
14 October 2009

Obamacession Kortrijk: Yes We Can

September 2009 the Obama Cession In Kortrijk.

Yes We can. President Obama is an enormous carismatic person. Inspired by his talents I conceived together with Alexander Nijs of Procom a workshop “the 5 talents of Obama”. ( Authenticity,  a born communicator,  leadership, change management, and the  best marketeer of 2009. During this workshop you can see how intensive the participation was. One of the participant had the audacity to do a remake of the acceptance speech of Obama. Yes we can.
We had the privilige to welcome minister Vincent van Quickenborne.

The power of Hope and change

Delhi Erasmus Mundus Summit: Indian Power

 I had the privilege to participate at Erasmus Mundus Summit where once a year all the universities meet each other about education matters. This time it was in Delhi, India. I was  one of  the guest speakers in order to promote the Brussels metropolitan region as  “the place” to study and to work in Europe. 
I was confronted by many talent-full very curious indian students and education managers of universities of the emerging countries. Yes dear fellows in Europe, take care... there’s a lot of talent and eagerness to go forwards there. 
India, I saw Rajahastan, the richness of the colors, the truthness of their people. 
Thanks Marjolein; you make my dream true.
This summit was professionally organized by the VUB and the Institute of Management Technology-IMT Uttar Pradesh, India.