To have successful people they have to have ownership of their own success.
Take their part and responsibility in their success away from them and success isn't theirs at all and thus you limit engagement
Therefore is doing the the K.I.S.S. test: 'Know that It's the Supervisor Silly.' essential,
or K.I.S.S. - Know It's Supervision: Seriously.
Consider impacting engagement and succes by providing all employees with only top performer supervisors who demonstrate engaging talents and competencies.
- Top performer supervisors able to recognize success of their colleagues and team-members.
- Top performers supervisors give respect and get respect. ( Are you doing that? The Test Respect NL / Respect test FR give you a framework)
If we focus on continuously engaging supervisor/managers who are 'engaged to engage'
are we not making major gains and well on our way to transformation and more succes?
Organizations where success of others is acknowledged, recognized will create successful people.
Direct feedback is the most efficient way for people to understand their impact on others in working relationships — but few of us realize that interpersonal feedback is as much a product of the surrounding culture as of the relationship itself. To cultivate a culture conducive to feedback:
- Start small. We miss opportunities to provide positive feedback every day because we think only big wins and successes merit recognition. When you see any behavior you want to encourage, acknowledge it and express appreciation.