
14 December 2012

the Art of Motivation by Quasus

Een dikke Merci. 

Yesterday, I was  invited as motivational speaker by
And I had the pleasure to meet their terrific team. I understand know why Quasus has chosen as value: Passion for People. 
When I started with my Magic Moment, an unforgettable moment of Gratitude full of emotions, smiles and passions flowed through every one.
Some Photos to inspire.


21 June 2012

the Art of Selling by Idea 4U

Des clients heureux, je suis heureux!!!
Tevreden klanten, ik ben tevreden!!!
Si vous désirez organiser un training de vente ou de motivation, un meeting de direction au vert. Une Adresse IDEA 4U dans le domaine de Batenborch

Je wenst een sales- of motivatietraining, of ten directiemeeting op een inspirerende locatie: één adres Idea 4U in het domein van Batenborch

29 February 2012

Mobistar and the Art of Motivation

29 february, Yes 29 it’s a leap year, I had one of my best workshop about the Art of Motivation ever. 
A real dream team of authenthic colleagues of Mobistar , so sincere, so open in their communication and also ambitious to perform well. I was impressed. Normally I’m supposed to give energy to the people , But here there was an explosion of positive Energy and Vibes. The magic compliment Moment was this time full of happiness and laughs. Yes Compliments are really a source of Pleasure giving strenght to everyone,
I will ever remember this 29 februari 2012 with Mobistar.