
21 May 2016

Do you feel insecure? Look at the behaviors of your leader and you will know why ....

Ten behaviors of your team-leader making you insecure

1.Grudge-holding. Forgiveness requires courage.

2. Self-blaming. Insecurity may cause leaders to blame themselves for the delinquency of others. The difference between self-blame and responsibility is corrective action.

3. Excuse-making. Insecurity prevents them from holding others accountable to their commitments.

4. Joking. Insecure leaders make light of serious issues.

5. Attacking and defending. Insecure leaders attack back. Rather than defending their team, they defend themselves.

6.  Nit-picking. Nit-pickers are unhappy insecure people who never truly celebrate.

7.  Meddling and Micro-managing. Nit-pickers come in after the fact. Meddlers intrude during the fact.

8. Image-protecting. It’s all about what others think when you’re insecure.

9. Fear mongering. The use of fear to motivate is an insecure leader’s method of motivation. 

10. Over-explaining. Insecurity makes leaders talk too much.

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